Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Symptom & Mood Charting


Basically it is where you will be recording your symptoms & treatments over time.


It can be difficult to remember especially with a mental illness how you have been doing if your doctor asks and you can get a clearer picture of what has been working for you,your triggers,patterns of how your symptoms may be affected by things such as your menstrual cycle,the seasons,sleep... What treatments are helpful,some triggering patterns, behaviour you may carry out before making suicide attempts,early warning signs
(eg.people tend to get tense before a mood swing)...  It can encourage you to continue with a treatment if you can see positive changes It allows your therapist to make a better risk assessment & probably more things I haven't thought of.


Recording symptoms is best done daily,as it will be difficult to remember,but skipping a few days every once in a while isn't too bad . 


Some aps & a PDF for mood charting,some specific ones exist for bi-polar(manic depression).

I have made my own sheet in Microsoft Excel.If you are making your own,I have included some ideas,my sources come from the depression workbook by Mary Ellen Copeland & for my borderline symptoms the BEST(Borderline Ealuation of Severity over Time) mixed in with some material from the  Borderline Symptom List.

The text may be difficult to read in the pictures so I have included it below,so you can copy & paste it if  you wish.Depressive symptoms are also included below.

5.Extreme distress,severe difficulties with relationships, and/or kept you from getting things done.   
1.None/Slight  ,means it caused little or no problems.    

  Thoughts & Feelings  Date   
Major shifts in your opinions about others such as switching from   
believing someone is a loyal friend or partner to believing that   
person is untrustworthy and hurtful   
Extreme changes in how you see yourself. Shifting from feeling   
confident about who you are to feeling like you are evil, or that   
you don't even exist   
Self-perception - ‘paralyzed’, ‘petrified’, ‘felt cut from myself’   

Severe mood swings several times a day. Minor events cause   
major shifts in mood.Dysphoria - felt unfree and uneasy, unsatisfied,   
anxiety, depression. Affect regulation- experienced stressful inner tension’,   
‘suffered from shame,insecurity’,‘overwhelmed by my feelings’   

Feeling paranoid or like you are losing touch with reality   
Intrusions- ‘felt the presence of someone who was not really there,   
tortured by images,had different people inside me,nightmares   

Feeling angry   
Hostility -angry, aggressive,irritated,not trusting   
Feelings of emptiness & boredom   
Feeling suicidal   
Self-destruction - suicidal/self-harm thoughts, longing/fascination of death,   
want2punish self,meaningless,self h8,didn’t believe in my right 2live   

Behaviors (Negative)   
Going to extremes to try to keep someone from leaving you   
Purposely doing something to injure yourself or making a suicide attempt   
Problems with impulsive behavior (not including suicide attempts   
or injuring yourself on purpose) Examples are: over-spending,   
risky sexual behavior, substance abuse, reckless driving,   
binge eating, other   
Temper outbursts or problems with anger leading to relationship   
problems, physical fights, or destruction of property   
Loneliness- isol8ed from others,rejection of others,not able to accept help   
believed nobody cud understand/help me,abandoned   
no one to whom I was really important,criticism is devastating   

Rate items positive behaviors according to frequency   
1 Almost never 4 Most of the time   
2 Sometimes 5 Almost always   
3 Half of the time   
Behaviors (Positive)   
Choosing to use a positive activity in circumstances where you   
felt tempted to do something destructive or self-defeating   
Noticing ahead of time that something could cause you emotional   
difficulties and taking reasonable steps to avoid/prevent the   
Following through with therapy plans to which you agreed (e.g.,   
talk therapy, "homework" assignments, coming to appointments,   
medications, etc.)   

Depressive Symptoms


Feeling trapped/helpless/hopeless   

Sleeping more/less than usual   

Change in appetite   L-less M-more   

Unable to concentrate/make decisions   

Not Caring (activities/ppl) feeling numb,not able to feel happy   

Avoiding ppl/too much socializing (to escape)   

Cry easily/overwhelming sadness   
Extreme Fatigue   
An excessively high or elated mood   
Unreasonable optimism or poor judgement   
Racing thoughts/hyperactivity   
Mood Swings (rapid changes to rage/sadness)   
Difficulty Exercising   
Recurring strong muscle/joint pain/tension   
Slow to move/get things done   
Desire only to sleep   
Dread/fear of future   
Craving junk food   
Bad brain->body link/clumsiness   

Refusing to eat/drink at all   
Self-destructive /traumatic thoughts/dreams   
Self-harm Cutting/Banging head/Binging,other...   
Difficulty making food   
Poor hyghiene    
Not getting out of bed at all
Stressed by little things
Behind in housework

Suicidal Thoughts/Plans Scale *   
1.Life is meaningless   
2.It would be better if I was dead.   
3.Thinking about taking my life.   
3.5    sU-small urge  3.7  mU-medium urge  3.9  SU-strong urge   
4.Planning to take my life.   
5.Determined to take my life.

Scale for symptoms other than suicidal ideation
0 Not at all   
1 A little   
2 Moderately/quite a bit   
3 Very much   
( 4 Extreme)  

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